Aesthetic Surgery

Aesthetic surgery can help correct certain complexes or imperfections on the body or face with the goal of restoring self-confidence. Aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries are sometimes performed simultaneously to restore function (e.g., improved breathing after rhinoplasty) or alleviate symptoms (e.g., relieving back pain after breast reduction).

Chirurgie esthétique et plastique | Médecine morphologique et anti-âge Paris | Dr Lyor Hanan | Paris


Aesthetic surgery offers a wide range of solutions to correct facial imperfections.

Why undergo aesthetic surgery?

Aesthetic surgery provides permanent and durable results. It is not only aesthetic but also reconstructive, meaning once the procedure is done, your body will be altered in a lasting way. Modern aesthetic surgery strives to avoid the “overdone” look.

Aesthetic surgery performed by Dr. Lyor Hanan aims to achieve a natural result in harmony with your face and body. The goal is that your surroundings should not be able to blatantly notice an operation but rather find you looking better overall without knowing exactly what happened.

Who is aesthetic surgery for?

Aesthetic surgery is for patients with an imperfection or complex that disrupts their daily lives. While the possibilities of correction through aesthetic surgery are broad, they are not total.

Good candidates for aesthetic surgery are those who:

  • Have a realistic and motivated request;
  • Understand the medical risks, healing progression, and postoperative consequences in terms of work and personal life;
  • Have a controlled chronic illness;
  • Have quit smoking for more than a month before surgery or do not smoke;- Have maintained a stable weight for 6 months (depending on the procedure considered);

Facial aesthetic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Lyor Hanan

Dr. Lyor Hanan specializes in facial aesthetic surgery. The face is a particularly important area of the body as it is the most noticeable. Changes made by facial aesthetic surgery should be subtle, without it being evident that surgery has been performed.


Blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery that opens up the eyes and makes them look less tired. This quick procedure with almost invisible scars provides excellent, natural, and long-lasting results.


Rhinoplasty is a common procedure that typically involves removing a bump on the nose or making a prominent nose smaller to harmonize it with the rest of the face. The results should be perfectly natural, without it being obvious that surgery has been done.


A facelift tightens the skin of the lower face, cheeks, and neck in a lasting way. It is an excellent solution when hyaluronic acid injections no longer conceal the signs of sagging. When performed well, the result is natural with almost imperceptible scars.


Otoplasty corrects protruding ears. This operation provides reliable, lifelong results via a small scar behind the ear.

Double Chin Liposuction

Double chin liposuction corrects excess fat under the chin.

Body aesthetic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Lyor Hanan

Dr. Lyor Hanan also specializes in breast and body aesthetic surgery. Breasts are particularly important for women as they are a significant part of femininity. When they are too heavy for the back or, conversely, have little volume or significant asymmetry, breast aesthetic surgery provides a lasting solution with minimal scarring.

Breast Surgery

Breast surgery corrects aesthetic or reconstructive issues of the breast. It can be a breast augmentation with implants or lipofilling or a breast reduction when the breasts are too heavy.


A body lift corrects excess skin on the abdomen and hips in the same procedure. This excess is often due to significant weight loss, resulting in excess skin that can only be corrected through surgery.


Abdominoplasty corrects excess skin and fat on the abdomen. It is a common procedure that flattens the abdomen after pregnancies or significant weight loss by correcting the abdominal apron.

Buttock Lipofilling

Buttock lipofilling combines two procedures: liposuction of areas with excess fat (abdomen, back, love handles, etc.) and reinjection of this fat into the buttocks. The goal is to restore shape, volume, and a more feminine contour to the buttocks without excess.

Body Lift

A body lift tightens the skin of the body that has sagged over time. This often involves the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and thighs.