Breast Augmentation

Having a small chest can be a source of insecurity for many women. Fortunately, surgical solutions are available to enhance your breast size. These solutions are offered by Dr Lyor HANAN, a specialist in breast aesthetic and plastic surgery based in Paris.

Breast Augmentation in Dubai | Breast Augmentation Price Dubai | Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Lyor Hanan

Different types of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation can be performed through the placement of implants or by using fat grafting.

  • Breast Fat Grafting

    Breast fat grafting involves harvesting autologous fat and reinjecting it into the breasts.

  • breast implants

    Breast implants add extra volume to the chest to meet the patient’s aesthetic needs or following a mastectomy

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase the size, shape, and/or symmetry of the breasts. There are various reasons women may choose to undergo this procedure, and Dr Lyor HANAN will discuss your specific motivations during your consultation. Common reasons include restoring breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy, achieving better symmetry, or simply enhancing overall breast size.

Indications for Breast Augmentation

The primary indication for breast augmentation is to improve the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. Other possible indications include restoring lost breast volume due to weight loss or pregnancy, addressing issues such as breast asymmetry, ptosis (sagging), tuberous breasts, deformities caused by breast cancer, or simply skin aging.

Candidates for this surgical procedure should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the results. During your consultation, Dr Lyor HANAN will help determine if breast augmentation is right for you.

Breast Augmentation: Surgery or Consultation? With Dr Lyor HANAN

During the breast augmentation surgery, Dr Lyor HANAN makes a small incision, typically under the breast. Less frequently, he may make an incision around the areola, depending on breast morphology. The breast implants are then placed. The procedure generally lasts one to two hours and is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety.

Post-surgery, you may experience some pain and swelling, which can be managed with medications prescribed by Dr Lyor HANAN.

You should also prepare for some downtime as your body adjusts to the implants. Most women resume normal activities after two weeks, depending on their individual healing process.

Dr Lyor HANAN provides postoperative follow-up for all his breast augmentation surgeries. This ensures proper healing and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns about your new breasts.

Different Types of Breast Augmentation Procedures

Breast lipofilling (fat transfer) is a surgical procedure that uses your own body fat to enhance the appearance of your breasts. Fat harvested from your thighs, abdomen, arms, back injected into different areas of the breast to add volume. However, not all patients are suitable candidates for this technique; only a clinical examination can confirm if you are eligible. We cannot achieve an augmentation for more than 1 to 1,5 cup size, with this technique.

Breast Implants

Breast implant surgery involves placing silicone-filled implants under the patient’s breast tissue. The goal is to increase breast size, achieve symmetry, or restore lost volume after weight loss or pregnancy.

Breast Implant Placement Techniques

There are three main techniques for implant placement:

  • Periareolar Incision: Around the nipple
  • Transaxillary Incision: Through the armpit
  • Inframammary Incision: Under the breast

Dr Lyor HANAN uses an inframammary incision in more than 95% of cases.

Advantages of the Inframammary Incision:

  • The scar is small (3.5 cm) and hidden in the natural fold under the breast
  • Lower risk of capsular contracture and infection
  • No risk of nipple damage or deformation

The periareolar incision, located around the nipple, may be more visible than the inframammary scar and carries a higher risk of capsular contracture or infection due to its proximity to the nipple. Dr Lyor HANAN uses this technique very rarely.

The transaxillary incision has a slightly higher risk of infection (as the armpit is naturally colonized by bacteria). Moreover, it is impossible to insert large implants, and this approach can complicate implant replacement surgery or revisions in case of complications.

Postoperative Care After Breast Surgery


Pain ranges from moderate to intense in the first few postoperative days. It manifests as chest tightness or intense soreness, corresponding to the tension in the muscle and skin. Typically, the pain subsides within 3 to 7 days once the muscle and skin have adjusted to the implant. Pain is managed with prescribed analgesics.

Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising may occur after the surgery, which is part of the normal postoperative process. The breasts will remain swollen for one month post-surgery, gradually subsiding until the sixth month.


The scars heal within 7 to 10 days, and the sutures are absorbable. No special care is required for the scars other than drying them after a shower.

Wearing a Bra

You will need to wear a support bra for one month with a compression band to maintain the implant position during the healing period.

Resuming Sports

You can resume sports activities after one month.


You can shower 48 hours after the surgery, ensuring that the scars are thoroughly dried after being washed with water and soap.

Side Effects and Risks of Breast Augmentation

The risks associated with breast augmentation with implants are rare, but they should be discussed with your surgeon.

Short-Term Risks (<1 month):

  • Postoperative Hematoma: A bleeding event causing breast swelling, usually within 48 hours post-surgery. It may require a secondary procedure to evacuate the bleeding
  • Scar Infection: Like any surgery, a scar infection may occur, potentially requiring a return to the operating room and antibiotic treatment. Infections are more common in smokers or diabetic patients
  • Wound Dehiscence or Suture Failure: This is the main risk for smokers or those with poor wound healing; poorly tolerated sutures can cause early scar opening. A secondary procedure may be necessary to revise the scar

Long-Term Risks (>6 months):

  • Capsular Contracture: A type of implant rejection manifested by discomfort, breast shape changes, visibility of implant folds, or even pain. The diagnosis is made through clinical examination and breast ultrasound, sometimes supplemented by MRI. The treatment involves removing the capsule and replacing the implant. There is no urgency in treating capsular contracture, but it is wise not to wait more than 3 months
  • Implant Rupture or Leakage: After 15 years, the implant’s outer shell may weaken and eventually rupture, without a specific cause, except for significant trauma or poor-quality implants (e.g., PIP implants that were withdrawn from the market). The diagnosis is straightforward and made by ultrasound. Implant replacement should be considered
  • Seroma: This is the accumulation of lymphatic fluid around the implant, causing breast swelling. An ultrasound and MRI exploration will be necessary, and seroma treatment by aspiration is often required

Though rare, all these risks should be considered when deciding on breast augmentation with implants. It is imperative to discuss them with your surgeon so they can provide the best advice for your decision.

Results After Breast Surgery

The results of breast augmentation with implants become final after 6 months. Most of the postoperative swelling will subside within a month, but it takes 6 months for the skin and breast to regain their previous suppleness. You won’t even feel the difference between the implant and your natural breast.

The result is stable over time and allows you to increase your bra size by 1 or 2 cup sizes (depending on the desired size and the patient’s morphology). Moreover, the implant restores fullness in the upper pole of the breast and lifts the breast.

The results are natural, thanks to the latest generation Motiva implants (used exclusively by Dr Lyor HANAN), without creating an overly rounded upper breast, which can look unnatural.

Breast Augmentation Costs with Dr Lyor HANAN

The cost of breast augmentation performed by Dr Lyor HANAN depends on the type of procedure chosen (breast lipofilling or implants).

Breast augmentation with implants 26 000 AED

If you are dissatisfied with the size or shape of your breasts and are considering breast augmentation, we invite you to contact Dr Lyor HANAN.