Neck Lift

A facelift is a surgical operation aimed at correcting skin sagging. The neck is one of the areas affected by this sagging, which can be a source of complexes. This can concern younger patients who have always had a “double chin” or older patients from their forties who have overall facial sagging. Dr. Lyor Hanan is a specialist in facelifts and offers to correct this visible part of the body with a cervicofacial lift.

Lifting du cou à Paris | Chirurgie esthétique cou Paris | Chirurgie esthétique | Dr Lyor Hanan

Why have a neck lift?

Skin aging is a natural process that inevitably accompanies the sagging of soft tissues in the face and the development of wrinkles. These changes are accentuated by other factors such as smoking, UV exposure, pollution, or poor diet.

Over time, facial fat redistributes and mainly settles in the cheeks and chin, giving a “puffy” appearance to the face. Facial muscles also lose their tone, favoring the appearance of expression lines around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. Finally, the skin becomes thinner and less elastic, further accentuating the signs of aging.

The goal of a neck lift is to restore a well-defined angle between the chin and neck by lifting or removing excess or sagging tissues, such as skin, muscles, and deep fat.

A special case for younger men or women with a double chin, what to do?

To get rid of a double chin, several solutions are possible:

  • Gentle liposuction to remove fat, generally done under local anesthesia.
  • Liposuction combined with Renuvion, which is a new technology that tightens the skin during liposuction.
  • Neck lift, through a small scar under the chin, the neck muscles are tightened, and deep fat is removed. This technique provides the best possible result for restoring a well-defined angle between the chin and neck but requires a heavier recovery with general anesthesia.
  • Non-surgical solutions to get rid of the double chin include hyaluronic acid injections on the chin and jawline. Skin treatment with radiofrequency can also be associated.

Who is the neck lift for?

The cervicofacial lift is for patients with significant skin sagging in the face and/or neck. This intervention permanently eliminates the double chin, neck fat, and excess skin.

Specific precautions before the intervention must be observed:

  • Do not smoke for 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after the intervention.
  • Stop taking blood-thinning medications.
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs days before the intervention.
  • Have perfectly balanced blood pressure.

The procedure of a neck lift by Dr. Hanan

The cervicofacial rhytidectomy is a relatively common surgical intervention generally performed under general anesthesia. The facial aesthetic surgery procedure lasts about 2.5 to 3 hours depending on the corrections to be made.

A neck lift involves making a small incision hidden in a fold under the chin. Through this small scar, Dr. Lyor Hanan detaches the platysma muscles, responsible for the “cords” giving the neck a sagging appearance, and accesses the deep fat. This fat is meticulously removed. If necessary, a reduction of the salivary glands and Bichat balls is also performed to harmonize the result.
In the context of a neck and face lift, Dr. Hanan makes an incision at the earlobe, detaches the skin and deeper structures of the face to tighten the sagging structures (cheeks, jowls, nasolabial folds) and retightens them. The skin then naturally applies itself without any tension. This is the principle of the deep plane facelift, providing a natural, non-pulled result. He also aspirates excessive fat, a source of complexes for many patients.

If you don’t wish to have a facelift to address the excessive neck skin, Dr Lyor does a direct neck lift with a Z type scar under the chin. The purpose is to remove the extra neck skin without touching the face appearance.

The results of a neck lift

Cervicofacial rhytidectomy not only removes excess skin but also reshapes the facial contours by properly repositioning the soft tissues (facial fat, facial muscles…). The patient can thus regain a younger face less marked by time. The results of this intervention last 10 to 15 years.

A neck lift can rejuvenate by about ten years but does not stop aging. Dr. Hanan recommends continuing to adopt a healthy lifestyle to optimize the long-term results of this intervention.

The price of a neck lift by Dr. Lyor Hanan

A neck and lower face lift costs 40 000 AED, a price that includes the pre-visit, hospitalization, postoperative care, and follow-up visits.

If you want to regain a younger and more rested face, you can contact Dr. Lyor Hanan’s clinic.